Everyday (2018)
2019-01-21 to 2020-01-21
mondays [2D] - tuesdays [3D] - wednesdays [4D] - thursdays [mural] - fridays [writing] - saturdays [sound] - sundays [architecture]
2019-01-21 to 2020-01-21
mondays [2D] - tuesdays [3D] - wednesdays [4D] - thursdays [mural] - fridays [writing] - saturdays [sound] - sundays [architecture]
An everyday experiment which involved creating something in different mediums structured weekly for 365 days. Resulted in 52 x (collages, sculptures, films/animations, mural sketches, blog posts, sound pieces and architectural explorations).
For all 365 projects completed see this page.
For all 52 soundpieces see soundcloud page or below.
For all 365 projects completed see this page.
For all 52 soundpieces see soundcloud page or below.