S H E E E P.studio

connecting the dots            <<<             connecting the dots            <<<


MOBILIZER 1.0 (2019)
DFALD at University of Toronto 

Instructor: Reza Nik 
Co-facilitator: Andrew Winchur 
Teaching Assistant: Angela Cho
End User: Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust

Students: Aizah Bakhtiyar, Eunice Cheuny, Felipe Coral, Alejandra Cortez Paz, Dennis Fichman, Karen Gebara, Jane Guberman, Hannah Hui, Mehreen Khan, Bella Osterman, Sam Shahsavani, Bhavika Sharma, Sibora Sokolaj, Zainab Wakil

Special thank to: Jay Pooley, Tom Abromaitis, Bohden Tymchuk, Aaron Ronan, Josh Sewell, Alex Gaskin, Pablo Espinal Henao, Paul Kozak
An intensive 2-week project with the undergraduate students at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, University of Toronto and in close collaboration with the Parkdale community.  The idea was to design and build a mobile structure for the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust which could function as a device to “take up space” in public spaces, while being stored in their office and functioning as a piece of furniture indoors. 

A fast-paced design & building exercise to produce a flexible structure for the community, with the community.